We get a lot of questions from candidates about BROKER OPPORTUNITIES. How do the large broker companies differ from each other? What is it like to work at a mid-market vs. large corporate brokerage? If I’ve worked at a large brokerage company, will I be bored if I left for a mid-market role? What is the pay structure at a mid-market brokerage? 

Whether you are new to the Broker Industry, are interested in switching paths, or have tried a few different roles and aren’t sure it’s a good fit, finding the right job is all about knowing what you really VALUE in your employer and career.

When we meet with a candidate looking to switch to the Broker side or just switch employers, we start with some STANDARD QUESTIONS; (1) Are you someone who craves stability, clear paths to promotion, and a big-name brand on your LinkedIn profile? (2) Do you prefer to roll up your sleeves, dive into a fast-paced environment, and work with a variety of clients? We’ve put together a breakdown of what your career can look like at three different sizes of Brokers to help you determine which company’s values align with your own.


Large Corporate Brokers: The Safety Net

Generally, a LARGE BROKERAGE COMPANY would have offices in several countries, have a President or CEO, and employ several thousand or even hundreds of thousand of employees across the globe. Working for this type of brokerage has some undeniable perks. Think of your career path as an all-inclusive insurance policy—there’s a comforting structure, clear rules, and very few surprises. If your TOP VALUES are stability, predictability, and climbing the corporate ladder, Large Multinational Brokerages have you covered.

  1. Stable Pay and Benefits: Pay checks from large firms are stable and reliable and shifts in the market don’t affect their bottom line nearly as much. Employees are also offered a solid benefits package, standard vacation time, and clear business hours. If consistency is your thing, it’s hard to argue against that.
  2. Clear Career Progression: These companies often have a well-defined path from entry-level to leadership. If you’re a fan of colour-coded career maps and knowing exactly what it’ll take to land that next promotion, you’re in the right place.
  3. Big Clients, Big Risks: Working with large, complex clients can feel prestigious and many of our candidates love the thrill of placing unique large risks in the market. If tackling the Mount Everest of risk management excites you, the big Brokers are where you’ll find your challenges.

If you’ve ever felt like you’re bouncing from one large broker to another only to find each role is a bit like déjà vu—maybe it’s time to rethink your values. MID-MARKET BROKERS are often overlooked and what we hear when a candidate makes the switch is that bigger isn’t always better.


Mid-Market Brokers: Hidden Gems

When we talk about MID-MARKET BROKERAGES we mean those that may operate Nationally, but have fewer offices across the country. Branches are run by a leader who generally has autonomy for the local office, and the company would appear significantly flatter with fewer layers in their roles. If you’re someone who likes to keep things interesting, is up for wearing a few hats, and is secretly (or not-so-secretly) tired of corporate red tape, this might be your career ticket.

  1. Career Control: Mid-market brokers give you the keys to your own career. Want to dip your toes into multiple areas or dive headfirst into leadership sooner than later? With fewer layers of management, the opportunities for new responsibilities generally come a lot faster.
  2. Surprise Paydays: Think mid-market means small pay checks? With different pay structures that often reward high performance (some even offer equity or partnerships), you could end up earning more than you expect. If you like to see a clear line between your work and pay, mid-market gives you that opportunity.
  3. Pace and Variety: If you’re easily bored in a role, a mid-size broker’s fast-paced environment might be the change of pace you need. You can take on multiple accounts, juggle several sales at once, and have the autonomy to run with your work. You’ll never have to worry about things getting stale.
  4. Fast-Track to Leadership: If you have big-company experience under your belt but haven’t been tapped for leadership yet, a mid-size firm could be your fast-track to a senior role. Instead of waiting years for a promotion, you could steer the ship sooner than you think.


Thinking Even Smaller?: Be Your Own Boss

If you have the basics down, are feeling REALLY ambitious, LOVE generating revenue and the above options are still feeling like they aren’t hitting the mark, there’s always the option of going solo – or teaming up with a few like-minded peers in a franchisee setting to start your own brokerage. It’s not for the faint of heart, but for those who thrive on the hustle, the reward could be enormous. If you value independence, challenge, and complete control, maybe it’s time to think about becoming your own boss.

  1. Business Owner Vibes: If you want to be in complete control of your financial future with the largest possible financial upside, consider this option. But please know that with the reward also come the high stakes of potentially not having it work out as you thought. This is the ultimate risk reward scenario.
  2. Living Lean: In early days, you need to have an appetite for small paycheques until you get the business up and running.  Running a business takes a lot of your time and resources until it gets going so be prepared for a bit of two steps forward one step back.
  3. Building YOUR way: In this role, subject to resources, you can choose how to grow, where to spend your time and how big you want to get. You are the master of your own destiny, the ultimate freedom!


Figuring Out Your Values

At the end of the day, deciding where to take your career is all about identifying your values. Do you want structure, stability, and big clients? Or does the idea of taking control, working on a variety of tasks, and maybe even owning a piece of the pie sound more exciting? There’s no right or wrong answer—just what works for you.