Summer is the season of flip-flops, vacations, and escaping your alarm clock. Whether you spent your days jet setting, soaking up the sun, chasing your kids around, or just enjoying a slower pace: summer is a blissful break from the usual hustle and bustle. We hate to be the bearer of bad news, but fall is fast approaching and, with it, the return of the PSLs (Pumpkin Spice Lattes), colder temperatures, and busier schedules. We want to help you get back into the groove for the fall so you are READY and MOTIVATED rather than sleepy and overwhelmed.

Routines are like your favourite blue pen: They may not be flashy, but they’re reliable and get the job done. When it comes to getting back into the swing of things after summer, routines are your best friend. But don’t worry—this doesn’t mean diving headfirst into a whirlwind of meetings, deadlines, and a closet full of suits. Think of this as our gentle nudge to help you EASE BACK into your routine, with a few practical tips to make the transition as smooth as possible.


Ease Into Your Alarm Clock

We know that alarm clocks are probably your least favourite home item, especially after summer holidays. Trust us, they’ll be less of a shock to the system if you start using them GRADUALLY. Begin setting your alarm 15 minutes earlier each day until you’re back to your usual ( or goal ) wake-up time. This way, by the time fall hits in all its business, you won’t be hitting the snooze button until you are late for your first meeting.


Pack LUNCHES the Night Before

Leisurely lunches are being traded in; as your schedule picks up, consider preparing your meals the night before. Not only does this save you time and stress in the morning, but it also ensures you’re eating something more substantial than a hastily grabbed granola bar or food court burger. Bonus: you’ll feel like you’ve got your life together and up your productivity with home cooked food—because, let’s face it, nothing says “adulting” like a neatly packed lunch.


Avoid Overbooking Yourself

Before you start registering for Continuing Education courses, volunteering for every committee, or signing up for all the fall and winter conferences, take a moment to look at your calendar. Fall is PRIME TIME for overcommitting, and the last thing you want is to be double-booked or scrambling to make it to three places at once. Make sure you’ve penciled in all your key dates—then take a step back to assess whether your schedule allows for these new commitments without turning you and your schedule into a patchwork quilt with no breaks.


Boost Your Mood

This may sound silly coming from a Recruiter, but Vitamin D is a life hack we wish we had tried sooner. As the days get shorter and the sun’s rays stop reaching your skin in your office, your body starts to miss that regular Vitamin D. To keep your mood sunny even when the weather isn’t, consider starting a VITAMIN D SUPPLEMENT. It’s a simple way to stay ahead of those winter blues and keep your energy up as you tackle your growing to-do list.


Dust Off the Professional Wardrobe

We get it—summer wardrobes are all about comfort. But as you ease back into the office or return to client meetings, it’s time to revisit your professional attire. Give your work clothes a once-over to ensure they’re ready for meetings. A sharp outfit can boost your CONFIDENCE and help you mentally shift from summer mode to WORK MODE. Plus, don’t forget that you bought that amazing blazer you bought on sale last season!


Give Yourself Some Slack

Finally, remember to cut yourself some slack. The transition from summer to fall can be a bit of a shock to the system, and it’s okay if you’re not operating at full capacity right away. Everyone’s summer looks a little different—whether you’ve been juggling kids, squeezing in last-minute vacations, or just taking it easy. It’s perfectly normal to need a little extra time to get back into the swing of things.


As you prepare to dive back into the fall schedules, remember that ROUTINES are here to help, not hinder. By gradually easing back into your schedule and giving yourself the grace to adjust, you’ll find yourself feeling more organized, more productive, and maybe even a little excited about what the fall season has in store.